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Information Security

Applied Security Laboratory

Application course held by Prof. Dr. David Basin, Michael Schläpfer, and Andreas Fürst. The course is part of the Information Security Laboratory.


This course emphasizes applied aspects of Information Security. The students will study a number of topics in a hands-on fashion and carry out experiments in order to better understand the need for secure implementation and configuration of IT systems and to assess the effectivity and impact of security measures. This part is based on an extensive script and virtual machines that include example applications, questions, and answers.

The students will also complete an independent project: based on a set of functional requirements, they will design and implement a prototypical IT system. In addition, they will conduct a thorough security analysis and devise appropriate security measures for their systems. Finally, they will carry out a technical and conceptual review of another system. All project work will be performed in teams and must be properly documented.

The Applied Security Laboratory addresses three major topics:


Project schedule:

Semester end exam:




There will be a written exam at the end of the semester. In addition, all participating students will take part in a longer-term project. This project will contribute to the overall grade.

Longer-term Project

The project will involve the installation, configuration, and implementation of a small IT system that must comply with a given set of functional and security requirements. Students will work in small teams to complete the project. Every student team will afterwards review another team's IT system. Each team will write a report that documents their own IT system as well as the results from their review. The report will be graded. Since it is a team project, the grade will be identical for all members of the team.

Course Material and Literature

Course Material

Additional recommended reading:


Michael Schläpfer


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