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Information Security

PD Dr. Burkhart Wolff

Burkhart Wolff

ETH Zürich
PD Dr. Burkhart Wolff
Professur f. Informationssicherheit/ZISC
CNB F 101
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 45 50

I moved to LRI at Paris/Orsay !!!

Research Interests

My research interests are focussed in the area of Software Engineering
and range from formal specification techniques, their transition
to code, and specification-based techniques to test systems.

This comprises activities in the representation of specification languages
by means of logical embeddings in Isabelle, of the development of specialized
tool-support for theorem proving, of refinement techniques or
code-compilation, and of automated techniques to generate tests from
specifications and programs. My interest in tool development also covers
tool-integration aspects and the design of appropriate user-interfaces.

I have a longstanding interest in the application of verification techniques
in the field of computer security.

Publications, DBLP

(Publications (Old))




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