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Information Security

Model Checking of Reactive Systems

Master in Information Security

For more information about the Information Security Master Track visit:

Fall Semester 2008
Stefan Leue

Course Description

Reactive Systems are software systems that undergo a continuous stimuli-response interaction with their environment. In practice, they often occur as embedded systems, such as in telecommunications or in automotive systems. The course will introduce into explicit state model checking for reactive systems, an algorithmic, automated technique for the correctness analysis of such systems. We will illustrate the algorithmic foundations of this technique, present the SPIN tool, and address advanced topics. The accompanying project will address the modeling and analysis of a VoIP protocol.

Participants are expected to possess a basic knowledge in programming, concurrent systems, automata theory and logic.


Time: Thursday, 14h00-16h00
Place: IFW C44


Time: Thursday, 12h00-14h00
Place: IFW C42

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