Usage Control in Ubiquitous Communication
The project started in 2009, in collaboration with Nokia Research Center, Lausanne. Our objective in this project is to advance the state of the art in observing and controlling the usage of sensitive data in IT systems. We develop methods that monitor the use of data and ensure that usage is conform to the intended purposes for which the data was collected. Furthermore, based on these monitors, we design and prototypically implement architectures for pervasive computing applications that report on or, where possible, prevent the misuse of sensitive data.
Matus Harvan
- David Basin, Felix Klaedtke, Eugen Zălinescu. Algorithms for monitoring real-time properties. In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'11). to appear
- David Basin, Matúš Harvan, Felix Klaedtke, Eugen Zălinescu. MONPOLY: Monitoring usage-control policies. In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'11). to appear
- David Basin, Matúš Harvan, Felix Klaedtke, Eugen Zălinescu. Monitoring usage-control policies in distributed systems. In the Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'11). to appear
- David Basin, Felix Klaedtke, Samuel Müller. Policy Monitoring in First-Order Temporal Logic. In the Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'10). Volume 6174 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1--18, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
- David Basin, Felix Klaedtke, Samuel Müller. Monitoring Security Policies with Metric First-order Temporal Logic. In the Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT'10). Pages 23--33, ACM Press, 2010.
MonPoly is a prototype implementation of a monitoring tool that detects policy violations in log files. Policies are formalized by MFOTL formulae. The tool implements the algorithm presented in the FSTTCS'08 paper Runtime Monitoring of Metric First-order Temporal Properties by David Basin, Felix Klaedtke, Samuel Müller, and Birgit Pfitzmann.
You can download the tool from here.
- Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for Services (MASTER),
EU FP7 integrated project.
- Enforcement for Usage Control, with DoCoMo Euro-Labs:
This project is concerned with understanding and modeling client-side
enforcement mechanisms for usage control requirements, and with
developing a server-side architecture that is capable of applying a wide
range of such mechanisms.
- Usage Control Requirements in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Applications, with DoCoMo Euro-Labs:
This project is concerned with understanding usage control requirements
in mobile and ubiquitous computing applications. Requirements elicitation
is done on the grounds of structured interviews and a literature survey.
- Requirements for Distributed Usage Control, with Siemens (CH):
This project is concerned with the understanding of general usage control requirements. Requirements elicitation is done on the grounds of structured interviews and a literature survey.
- Creating a European Identity Management Architecture for eGovernment, EU FP6 integrated project:
The goal of this project is the development of a conceptual, technological, social, and legal framework for eGovernment applications that enables and supports the exchange of personal data between different member states of the EU.