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Information Security



Name Period Position after ETH
Dr. Jean-Raymon Abrial 2004/09
Consultant, France
Dr. Diana von Bidder 2003/07
terreActive AG, Switzerland
Dr. Achim Brucker 2003/07 SAP Research, Germany
Dr. Christian Dax 2006/10
SIX, Switzerland
Jürgen Doser 2004/08
IMDEA, Spain
Dr. Marina Egea González 2008/10
IMDEA, Spain
Dr. Paul Hankes Drielsma 2003/07
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dr. Manuel Hilty 2004/07
Acrea AG, Switzerland
Dr. Boris Köpf 2003/07
Assistant Professor at IMDEA, Spain
Dr. Pascal Lafourcade 2006/07
Maître de Conférences at Université Joseph Fourier, France
Dr. Heiko Mantel 2003/05
Professor at TU Darmstadt, Germany
Dr. Farhad Mehta 2007/08
Dr. Sebastian Mödersheim 2003/07
Assistant Professor at DTU Informatics, Denmark
Dr. Samuel Müller 2005/09
Scandit, Switzerland
Michael Näf 2003/07
Founder of Doodle AG, Zurich
Dr. Alexander Pretschner 2004/08
Professor at TU Kaiserlautern, Germany
Tiago Reis 2006
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Dr. Patrick Schaller 2005/11
Avaloq Evolution AG, Switzerland
Dr. Paul E. Sevinç 2003/07
Doodle AG, Switzerland
Dr. Bernhard Seybold 2004/05
SMA und Partner AG, Switzerland
Dr. Luca Viganò 2003/06
Associate Professor at Universita di Verona, Italy
Dr. Michael Wahler 2004/08
ABB Schweiz AG, Switzerland
Dr. Burkhart Wolff 2004/07
Professor at University Paris-Sud (Orsay), France

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