Master in Information Security
For more information about the Information Security Master Track visit: http://www.infsecmaster.ethz.ch
263-4620-00L (2V2U)
Autumn Semester 2011.
Lecturers: Thai Son Hoang and Felix Klaedtke
Assistants: Matthias Schmalz and Eugen Zalinescu
At this place, we will announce important additions to the course material page.
As our daily lives depend increasingly on digital systems, the development of reliable IT systems becomes a concern of overwhelming importance. In this course, participants will learn state-of-the-art methods for building correct systems, which overcome the limitations of simulation and testing. The participants will first learn how to specify system requirements and how to incrementally and interactively refine specifications to obtain systems that are correct by construction. Important principles such as refinement, theorem proving in first-order logic, and set theory will be covered in this part of the course. The second part of the course offers an introduction to the theory and practice of model checking. Model checking concerns the use of methods for automatically verifying whether hardware or software systems meet their specifications. Over the last two decades, model checking has made enormous progress and is nowadays used in large-scale industrial applications. In particular, this part of the course introduces temporal logics, the algorithmic core techniques of model checking, and methods for coping with the state-space explosion problem. Furthermore, the participants will use state-of-the-art tools in the exercises for applying the methods learned in system development.
Time: Friday (starting from 23/09/2011), 10:00-12:00
Place: CAB G 59
Time: Friday (starting from 23/09/2011), 13:00-15:00
Place: CAB G 51
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