Master in Information Security
For more information about the Information Security Master Track visit: http://www.infsecmaster.ethz.ch
Autumn Semester 2011 (252-0463-00)
Security engineering is an evolving discipline that unifies two
important areas: software engineering and security. Software
Engineering addresses the development and application of methods for
systematically developing, operating, and maintaining, complex,
high-quality software. Security, on the other hand, is concerned
with assuring and verifying properties of a system that relate to
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. The goal
of this class is to survey engineering techniques for developing secure
software systems. We examine concepts, methods and tools, applied within the
different activities of the software development process to improve security
of the system.
system modeling, security requirements, model-based development methods, security designs, implementation-level
security, validation and verification techniques, risk analysis, and standards and evaluation criteria for secure systems.
- Ross Anderson: Security Engineering, Wiley, 2001.
- Matt Bishop: Computer Security, Pearson Education, 2003.
- Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, 6th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001.
- John Viega, Gary McGraw: Building Secure Software, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
- Further relevant books and journal/conference articles will be announced in the lecture.
Course material can be found here.
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