Master in Information Security
For more information about the Information Security Master Track visit: http://www.infsecmaster.ethz.ch
251-1421-00 (2V2U)
Autumn Semester 2007
Prof. David Basin, Thai Son Hoang, Farhad Mehta
This course introduces ways of specifying, designing, and implementing computerized systems so that the outcome will be correct by construction. It is essentially made of a large number of examples explaining how to write and prove formal models of discrete systems using abstraction and refinement.
An interest in logic and discrete mathematics, and its possible applications in solving practical problems.
The main goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge of:
The course is organized around a number of examples. General topics are introduced together with these examples and are summarized at the end of each example presentation.
The course material is available online for students of this course on a separate page. Please note that you will have to use your n-ethz username and password for access.
Time : Every Thursday (starting 27.09.2007), 10h00 - 12h00
Place : IFW B42
Slides and notes for the lectures can be found on the course material page.
Time: Every Thursday (starting 27.09.2007), 13h00-15h00
Place: IFW A36
Exercises and solutions for the lectures can be found on the course material page.
The project will involve modelling an elevator system and the correct construction of its controller using refinement and proof.
More details on the project ca be found on the course material page.
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