ETH Zuerich - Homepage
Information Security

Past student projects

Master in Information Security

For more information about the Information Security Master Track visit:

On this page, some of the student projects conducted under our supervision can be found. Student projects at ETH Zurich come in three flavors:

Semester thesis

150 person-hours project

Diploma thesis (i.e., Master's thesis in the old curriculum)

4 person-months project

Master's Thesis

6 person-months project (i.e., Diplom thesis in the new curriculum)

Student projects in alphabetical order

Student projects in chronological order

Winter Semester 2006/2007
Timing, ... in Firewall Testing
WS-based Provisions Service
Winter Semester 2005/2006
Taxonomy of Control Mechanisms (Semesterarbeit)
Trusted Knoppix (Master's Thesis)
Firewall Testing with NAT (Semesterarbeit)
Extending fwtest to handle UDP and ICMP (Semesterarbeit)
A Cocoa GUI for the AVISPA Protocol Analyzer (Semesterarbeit)
Summer Semester 2005
Representation of a Network (Semesterarbeit)
Generation of Test Cases from Automata (Semesterarbeit)
Diff and XML-Diff Algorithms (Doppel-Semesterarbeit)
Winter Semester 2004/2005
Firewall Testing (Diplomarbeit)
Summer Semester 2004
Access Control Markup Languages for XML Documents (Semesterarbeit)
A Software-based TPM Emulator for Linux (Semesterarbeit)

The latest version of the Software-based TPM Emulator is hosted by BerliOS Developer.

Winter Semester 2003/2004
Simulation of Security Protocols (Doppel-Semesterarbeit)
Summer Semester 2003
Defense Against SQL Injection Attacks (Semesterarbeit)

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